Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Finally nailed it.

In my last post I wrote about discovering that Alton was suffering from IBS and not from Allergies.

Great success since then narrowing down what is causing his IBS. We were rocking out on the low FODMAP diet but he was still having spikes in behavior, GI problems and twitching/fidgety behavior. Clearly we were on target. We just hadn't hut the bulls eye yet.

As usual, back to the internet. I went over all the periods of problems, cross checked the diet and found that all the spikes were following fruit consumption. We checked the FODMAP categories and found that the F (fructose) category composed all of the problem foods. We decided to try adding the other categories in one at a time to see if maybe he was only reacting to some things and not all. With that approach we tried lactose. With fingers crossed we gave Alton full strength milk. He drank it, made a disgusted face and declared "that's icky".

In spite of his dislike of bovine nutrition he had no problems. We pushed on. Each food group was fine. We narrowed it down to fructose. So, with a bit of research and a few pages of printed science (for understanding) and lists for guidelines, we pressed on.

Here is where an amazing thing happened. We went the first full week with zero problems. No potty troubles. No rashes. No sores. No headaches. No throwing things, defiant behavior, failures to nap due to fidgety anxious behavior... The list goes on and on.
Once again we had to go through the cupboards. Time for purging the offending food... Again. I swear I have given away so much food that I could be considered a food pantry these last two years.

As Costco shoppers we have giant bags of raisins, but clusters, spices and all finding a new home. I could complain about how I spent the entire summer canning produce to prepare for a corn-allergy winter and how we can't eat a single thing I canned now but I would rather have my son's health.

So, I have 2 bushels of peaches, 2 of apples, dozens of jars of pasta sauce, chilli, soups, sauces and jams all ready for gifting. If it didn't have fruit in it, it had honey. If the honey wasn't there garlic and onions were.

Now, in a string of events seemed planned to train me to be on a special diets version of Chopped, I can whip up a pretty fancy meal with any ingredients on short notice. I have a set group of foods to avoid and real confidence in the future.

It is amazing.
Grateful grateful grateful

Now, could someone please tell me how I am going to survive coking without garlic and onions forever? Now that is a challenge. your baskets!